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The Making of a Lollipop Snow Lady (or Man) Hello All! I thought I would make my foray into DIY ideas with this cute Lollipop Snow Lady. My mom and I own and operate a small business called The Giving Wreath Gifts. The entirety of our business is making décor and other gifts out of candy, and I thought it might be nice to share one of our ideas with the world. My original thought was to make this something you could make with your kids as a handmade present, but honestly I think anyone of any age would have fun making it, and decorating it in their own way! Before I start with the directions I just wanted to say that overall these are ideas.  If you can think of some way to improve upon them, or feel comfortable using other supplies, feel free! More than anything else, this is supposed to be fun! Also, so you don’t feel like you are breaking the bank, most of the supplies were gotten from the dollar store.   The largest ball was not, but you could get two of the medium b

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